Wednesday, April 01, 2009

We recently went shopping to Fared, a local supermarket for food. One of the surprises was that the leading tomato paste product was Arany Fácán –Golden Pheasant – from Hungary. There were even Lebanese knockoffs with the same logo, but English script which were made in Lebanon. There were also a few products with strange names. You can see some here, but go ahead and visit the Photo Gallery in the links on the right.


Bei said...

I just love it :)) I have never ever though that one day you just come to me and say, hey, do you know that we are producing tomato souce for Libanon??? :)) Thank you for sharing this with me :))

Bilog said...

Yes, not only tomato paste, but light bulbs as well. Until now, I have only seen Tungsram bulbs everywhere, and all are made in Hungary :)